Voluntary/Mandatory Settlements
The beauty of having Gretchen Taylor work with you and your attorneys is that her 12 years of experience as a Judge in all aspects of Family Law litigation makes her unique vision an educated and directive way to resolve difficult cases and situations outside of the Court.
You can preserve your place in the formal proceedings as you face lengthy
trial or at the outset get a hands on view from an experienced bench officer
as to the merits and pitfalls of each side of the case.
She will be able to work with both sides creatively to fashion a roadmap
if not a resolution out of disparate views and conflicting interests.She
will work with represented or unrepresented parties to break the impasse
that so often setles
over these cases that are at the heart of financial and relationship futures.
Our new statutes and the demand on the Court system have opened new avenues for litigants to try to resolve their cases at early stages rather than waiting for their budget to control the end to litigation. They often arrive at trial with a poor outlook on the possibilities that could have provided closure sooner. Judges are asking that you look early on in your case to the litigation costs and manage it with an eye to joint work or experts whenever possible. Judge Taylor can be a substitute for a Court House Mandatory Settlement Conference or an adjunct tool with her Voluntary Settlement and Early Neutral Evaluation sessions.
She is also adept at Case Management Conferences providing vision and a roadmap for the case.
The main difference between these services and Mediation is that she will take a more directive role here and share her view of the litigation, the case weaknesses and strengths, and assist the case to have focus on the law and its particular facts. In mediation the parties usually take their case to newer ground and explore options not available from the Court process.